Our Mission

The American people stand united in demanding that Vladimir Putin immediately cease his aggression and withdraw all forces from Ukraine.

Our message of unity and strength is vital now to prevent the spread of this conflict, which risks escalating into another devastating land war in Europe, one that could once again involve U.S. troops, as in World War II. Together, we send a clear and resolute signal: acts of aggression will not be tolerated, and the freedom and independence of Ukraine must be restored. By standing firm today, we honor the sacrifices of past generations and uphold the principles of democracy, justice, and peace for future generations.

We’re Taking Action.

Get Out Now is a rally point for people to show Putin Americans are united in demanding he stop his aggression now and remove all Russian troops from Ukraine now.

Our message to Putin will be carried on billboards, petitions, media, and by our elected leadership.

The President will know that he is backed by the American people when he tells Putin to Get Out Now.